
Citylight: the price of advertising and types of citylights

In the modern city, especially in its center, advertising constructions in the form of boxes illuminated from within are quite common. They are in places of intense pedestrian traffic and people call them “citylights” or “lightboxes”. A citylight is one of the most effective types of outdoor advertising. These constructions are very convenient to use, as they have small dimensions (1.2 x 1.8 m). As a rule, they are two-sided and the information is always at eye level. Often such structures are used in the premises of large shopping centers and cinemas. Also citylights often serve as external pointers for nearby companies. In this case, their content is broader and available day and night for people waiting for their transport at stops.

You can use this type of advertising as an element of a complex advertising campaign. Or by purchasing many citylights, you can focus only on them. Citylights are resistant to any weather conditions and provide long-term eye contact with a nearby audience.

The most popular type of citylight is a standard one. There are advertising posters on translucent paper with two-sided printing, which are highlighted in the dark.

Second place is a one-sided citylight attached to the wall. Its dimensions may be more or less than of the standard.

The third place goes to roller dynamic constructions with powerful internal illumination. The cost of citylights which can display several images is much higher. But they allow you to use more bright advertising posters.

However, you can buy one or several citylights at once, thus providing access to information to a wider audience in different parts of the city. Entrust our professionals with design development for this bright and reliable assistant in your business. And the result will surpass all your expectations!

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