Of course, everyone, looking for the necessary information in the search engine, paid attention to individual ads. They are marked with a word “advertising” and highlighted in a different color and design. This is the search contextual advertising in Google\Yandex. These are paid ads, which Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords configure in a certain way. This type of advertising works on the payment for each click (the link from the ad to your site). You can order contextual advertising in Google/Yandex both independently and by contacting specialists of our company. Customizing of paid ads by yourself is possible only if you are familiar with the tools of Google and Yandex. Also you need to clearly understand how to sort the key queries by groups, how to form headings, etc. Errors in setting up such ads lead to waste of money. Because you need to generate a cost-per-click (CPC) and total ad budget and clearly highlight the keywords relevant to your business type.
As you can see, the contextual advertising in Google Adwords/Yandex.Direct is better to entrust to professionals. Our experts know from their own experience how to create a really selling and effective advertisement. We will help you to form a semantic core relevant for your company, compose an attractive advertisement from the point of view of the user and calculate the necessary budget. Of course, the cost of contextual advertising varies in each individual case. Everything depends on the popularity of requests (and therefore, the price per click), the number of ads and other factors. The price of contextual advertising in Direct and Adwords is different.
By entrusting us with launching your advertising campaign in search engines, you will receive an influx of new customers. This will increase your sales and the popularity of your services which would help to bypass all the competitors. In addition, the context is much cheaper than placing ads on paid boards, ordering printouts of flyers, billboards or other types of print or outdoor advertising.
Contextual advertising services (Google Adwords and Yandex) is one of the main areas of our activities. Contact us for the details by phone and we will send you an individual offer for placing the context in the search engines.